Nice Horse Rides into Self-Titled Album Release

Nice Horse is a country music duo from Calgary, Alberta with members, Katie Rox and Brandi Sidoryk.

Brandi and Katie have been musical allies for the past 15 years supporting each other’s careers but started writing songs together and Nice Horse took off from there.

Their debut album Nice Horse is out now with seven tracks. The duo describe the album as a labour of love, which they wrote over a hundred songs for and put years of work into.

“We’re so proud to release our debut album as a duo. While we have been in the industry for many years we feel like we’ve finally written songs that speak to deeper parts of us as songwriters and performers and we can’t wait to see how fans react to this side of Nice Horse,” shared Brandi and Katie.

Since they had so many songs to choose from when putting the album together, they got to choose songs that really meant something to them.

Listen to their album here!

The duo is hitting the road next month and are looking forward to performing these new songs. Fans can catch Nice Horse at Heartstrings & Honkytonks, Rodéo Ayer’s Cliff, Cavendish Beach Music Festival, and Quonset Days, with more show announcements to come! In August Nice Horse will fulfill a long-time dream when they step out on stage in support of Jo Dee Messina in Regina, SK. 

Check out Nice Horse’s tour dates and music here!

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